Musical Secrets: Bonus Track 1
Part of the GeoTour "Ge(o)heimnisse der Region Hannover"

The cache is located at the specified coordinates. In order to open it, you have to complete the following caches first:

Musikalische Ge(o)heimnisse: Grammophon

Musikalische Ge(o)heimnisse: Musikzentrum

Musikalische Ge(o)heimnisse: Hörspaziergang

You will find a bonus word in each of them - the first letter must be converted into a number.

Those three digits in the order listed above will open the lock ( on the air conditioner!)
Using the unlocked tool, open the appropriate mailbox of Mr. Esching. What follows is a small multi with 7 stations - of course it begins at the "Start" . You need a UV lamp !
Note: Instructions on the site are in German but if you really try, you can figure it out regardless.

To determine the bonus number you have to figure out the digit sum, which is a single digit.

Additional Hints (Encrypt)
Start: press
1. ZS: turn
2. ZS: slide
3. ZS: illuminate
4. ZS: slide
5. ZS: pull
6. ZS: pull

BONUSCODE: _  _ _ _ _

The following link starts the download of an MP3 file (after you enter the bonus code). As the cache owner, I assure you that this file is safe. The file and its contents have not been checked for malicious content by Groundspeak or a geocache reviewer and the file is downloaded at your own risk. BONUSSONG-DOWNLOAD


viel Spaß
Stadt Hannover